Here at Hosingtech we’re proud of our custom silicone hoses and our ability to deliver superior results to our customers who need custom work done. While we carry a large variety of standard silicone hoses, including straights, elbow hose, hump hose, and heater hose, our custom silicone tube manufacturing is the cornerstone of our business.


We think the quality and workmanship of our custom hose will speak for itself. Rather than expecting our customers to be content with a workaround or a hack job solution, we strive to deliver the exact hose to the exact specifications that each customer needs.


It’s one thing if a person is purchasing silicone hose off ebay. It’s fine to have low expectations there and say “close enough.” However, when a person decides to come straight to the manufacturer, we believe that that customer should be given the power of all the resources at the manufacturer’s disposal to deliver the exact specifications the customer needs. Take advantage of the expertise of our engineering department and get the part you need done right.


Do you need a custom diameter, certain angle of hose, or precise geometrical shape? No problem. We have the tools and the know-how to produce any custom shape imaginable. Many of our customers are performing custom work on a vehicle that requires a precision fit for the hose. Nowhere is this more important than in creating a hose to duplicate an existing OEM hose. When you need the precise diameter, custom molding, and a perfect fit, we not only aim to deliver what you need, but also to exceed your expectations.


We currently have almost 2000 custom silicone hose designs in our repertoire, but even if we don’t have what you need, you can submit a CAD drawing or PDF file for us to create a new design for you. Our engineering department can even assist you with this process if you need support. Here are some of the most common custom hoses our customers request.

  • Custom radiator / coolant hose
  • Custom heater hose
  • Custom silicone hose couplers / pipe connectors
  • Custom silicone tube reducers
  • Custom silicone hose colors
  • Custom turbo silicone hose

Heat Resistant

Our premium silicone hoses with Nomex fabrics are built to withstand temperatures as high as 500 degrees F and are built to the industry standard of SAE J20 Class A. However, since the point of installing silicone is often for turbo applications or other extremely high-heat situations, we also offer the option of integrated heat shields. These shields are permanently bonded to the hose and protect the hose from extreme under hood heat that can be as close as 10 mm away. Our engineering department can give you more details.

Hosingtech is here to serve you with all your custom silicone hose needs, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with our engineering department for further details. We look forward to hearing from you! Count on us for all your standard hose needs, as well, and we will be happy to deliver what you need.